Tag Archives: car remapping files

Cylinder on Demand (COD) | Active Cylinder Technology (ACT)

cylinder on demand deactivation

Tuning Cylinder on Demand (COD) / Active Cylinder Technology (ACT) within the ECU software. Quantum Tuning offers the solution by altering or adjusting the settings of a vehicle’s Engine Control Unit (ECU) to improve several areas of the vehicle’s performance. By overwriting the existing settings with new quantum tuning’s custom made ecu program (within legal […]

Vehicle Speed Limiter Removal

vehicle speed limiter removal quantum tuning

A Speed Limiter is a safety device that prevents a car from exceeding a pre-set speed. Speed limiter removal is one of the most common ECU tuning services. Speed limiters can be a useful way to help drivers avoid speeding, which can lead to accidents. They can also be helpful in areas where there are […]